Riferimenti esterni
Publications on ISI International journals
67) Spitale D., Fezzi M., Zorzi N., Slomp E., Rigotti S., Borrini A., Bilous O., Cantonati M., 2024. Macroinvertebrates but not diatoms are affected by streamflow alteration below hydropower diversions. Ecohydrology, 2024; 0:e2712, https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2712
66) Cid-Rodriguez M., Cantonati M., Spitale D., Galluzzi G., Zaccone C., 2024. Using diatoms and physical and chemical parameters to monitor cow-pasture impact in peat cores from mountain mires. Science of the Total Environment 926: 171779
65) Ellis L.T., Alegro A., Alvarez D. J., Aponte Rojas A. M., Ashouri A., Atwood J. J., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Bîrsan C.-C., Burghardt M., Dhyani A., Erzberger P., Espinoza-Prieto B., Fedosov V. E., Gradstein S. R., He X.-L., Hodgetts N. G., Hugonnot V., Kürschner H., Lee G. E., Mahdigholi K., Manju C. N., Mir- Rosselló P. M., Mufeed B., Norhazrina N., O’Leary S. V., Rajesh K.P., Rimac A., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Šegota V., Sérgio C., Skurko A. V., Spitale D., Sruthi O. M., Ștefănuţ S., Suárez G. M., Syazwana N., Szűcs P., Uniyal P. L., Vineesha P. M., Vončina G. & Winter G., 2024. New national and regional bryophyte records, 75. Journal of Bryology
64) Peterka T., Hájková P., Jiroušek M., Hinterlang D., Chytrý M., Aunina L., Deme J., Lyons M., Seiler H., Zechmeister H., Apostolova I., Beierkuhnlein C., Bischof M., Biţă-Nicolae C., Brancaleoni L., Ćušterevska R., Dengler J., Didukh Y., Dítě D., Felbaba-Klushyna L., Garbolino E., Gerdol R., Iemelianova S., Jansen F., Juutinen R., Kamberović J., Kapfer J., Klímová B., Knollová I., Kolari T., Lazarević P., Luostarinen R, Mikulášková E., Milanović Đ., Miserere L., Erenskjold Moeslund J., Molina J.A., Pérez-Haase A., Petraglia A., Puglisi M., Ruprecht E., Šmerdová E., Spitale D., Tomaselli M., Vassilev K., Hájek M., 2023. Formalized classification of the class Montio-Cardaminetea in Europe: towards a consistent typology of spring vegetation. Preslia 95: 347–383
63) Cantonati M., Casoria C., Gerecke R., Bilous O.P., Maisto G., Segadelli S., Spitale D., Steinbauer A., Vogel S., Saber A.A., 2023. Diatom Indicators of Fluctuating/Intermittent Discharge from
Springs in Two Bavarian Nature Conservation Areas. Diversity 2023, 15, 915
Springs in Two Bavarian Nature Conservation Areas. Diversity 2023, 15, 915
62) Lencioni V., Bertola F., Franceschini A., Ferrarese U., Zandonai F., Stancher G. & Spitale D., 2023. Multi-year dynamics of the Aedes albopictus occurrence in two neighbouring cities in the Alps. The European Zoological Journal, 90:1, 101-112.
61) Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Alia M.H.B., , Burghardt M., Cabezudo B., Cano M.J., Cottet A.C., J. Csiky, J. Deme, P. Erzberger, M. Evangelista, E. A. Glazkova, D. Gómez-González, J. Guerra, J. A. Jiménez, E. Yu. Kuzmina, N. S. Liksakova, M. I. Messuti, R. Natcheva, N. Norhazrina, J. P. Pantović, B. Papp, A. D. Potemkin, E. Rodríguez-Quiel, M. S. Sabovljević, D. Spitale, Ștefănuţ S., Syazwana N., Tossou M.G. & Vilnet A.A., 2022. New national and regional bryophyte records, 70, Journal of Bryology 44:2, 175-183.
60) Ellis L. T., Afonina O.M., Czernyadjeva I.V., Alegro A., Šegota V., Boiko M., Zagorodniuk N., Burghardt M., Alataş M., Aslan G., Batan N., Dragićević S., Erata H., Kırmacı M., Özenoğlu H., Evangelista M., Valente E.B., Feletti T.A., Ezer T., Fedosov V.E., Fuertes E., Oliván G., Natcheva R., Gospodinov G., Hodgson A., Kiebacher T., Köckinger H., von Konrat M., Krajšek S.S., Cimerman Ž.L., Kučera J., Mikulášková E., Müller F., Muñoz J., Ochyra R., Peralta D.F., Philippe M., Porley R.D., Rawat K.K., Paul R.R., Ros R.M., Werner O., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Sérgio C., Shkurko A.V., Söderström L., de Souza A.M., Spitale D., Ștefănuţ S., Tabua M. & Winter G., 2022. New national and regional bryophyte records, 69, Journal of Bryology, 44:1, 87-102.
61) Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Alia M.H.B., , Burghardt M., Cabezudo B., Cano M.J., Cottet A.C., J. Csiky, J. Deme, P. Erzberger, M. Evangelista, E. A. Glazkova, D. Gómez-González, J. Guerra, J. A. Jiménez, E. Yu. Kuzmina, N. S. Liksakova, M. I. Messuti, R. Natcheva, N. Norhazrina, J. P. Pantović, B. Papp, A. D. Potemkin, E. Rodríguez-Quiel, M. S. Sabovljević, D. Spitale, Ștefănuţ S., Syazwana N., Tossou M.G. & Vilnet A.A., 2022. New national and regional bryophyte records, 70, Journal of Bryology 44:2, 175-183.
60) Ellis L. T., Afonina O.M., Czernyadjeva I.V., Alegro A., Šegota V., Boiko M., Zagorodniuk N., Burghardt M., Alataş M., Aslan G., Batan N., Dragićević S., Erata H., Kırmacı M., Özenoğlu H., Evangelista M., Valente E.B., Feletti T.A., Ezer T., Fedosov V.E., Fuertes E., Oliván G., Natcheva R., Gospodinov G., Hodgson A., Kiebacher T., Köckinger H., von Konrat M., Krajšek S.S., Cimerman Ž.L., Kučera J., Mikulášková E., Müller F., Muñoz J., Ochyra R., Peralta D.F., Philippe M., Porley R.D., Rawat K.K., Paul R.R., Ros R.M., Werner O., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Sérgio C., Shkurko A.V., Söderström L., de Souza A.M., Spitale D., Ștefănuţ S., Tabua M. & Winter G., 2022. New national and regional bryophyte records, 69, Journal of Bryology, 44:1, 87-102.
59) Cantonati M., Bilous O., Spitale D., Angeli N., Segadelli S., Bernabè D., Lichtenwöhrer K., Gerecke R., Saber A. A., 2022. Diatoms from the Spring Ecosystems Selected for the Long-Term Monitoring of Climate-Change Effects in the Berchtesgaden National Park (Germany). Water 14, 381.
58) Cantonati M., Hofmann G., Spitale D., Werum M., Lange-Bertalot H., 2022. Diatom Red Lists: important tools to assess and preserve biodiversity and habitats in the face of direct impacts and environmental change. Biodiversity and Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-021-02339-9
57) Spitale D., 2021. A warning call from mires of the Southern Alps (Italy): Impacts which are changing the bryophyte composition. Journal for Nature Conservation 61,
56) Ellis, L. T., Ah-Peng, C., Aslan, G., Bakalin, V. A., Bergamini, A., Callaghan, D. A., Campisi, P., Raimondo, F. M., Choi, S. S., Csiky, J., Csikyné Radnai, É., Cykowska-Marzencka, B., Czernyadjeva, I. V., Kalinina, Yu M., Afonina, O. M., Domina, G., Drapela, P., Fedosov, V. E., Fuertes, E., Gabriel, R., Kubová, M., Soares Albergaria, I., Gospodinov, G., Natcheva, R., Graulich, A., Hedderson, T., Hernández-Rodríguez, E., Hugonnot, V., Hyun, C. W., Kırmacı, M., Çatak, U., Kubešová, S., Kučera, J., La Farge, C., Larraín, J., Martin, P., Mufeed, B., Manju, C. N., Rajesh, K. P., Németh, Cs., Nagy, J., Norhazrina, N., Syazwana, N., O’Leary, S. V., Park, S. J., Peña-Retes, A. P., Rimac, A., Alegro, A., Šegota, V., Koletić, N., Vuković, N., Rosadziński, S., Rosselló, J. A., Sabovljević, M. S., Sabovljević, A. D., Schäfer-Verwimp, A., Sérgio, C., Shkurko, A. V., Shyriaieva, D., Virchenko, V. M., Smoczyk, M., Spitale, D., Srivastava, P., Omar, I., Asthana, A. K., Staniaszek-Kik, M., Cienkowska, A., Ștefănuţ, M.-M., Ștefănuţ, S., Tamas, G., Bîrsan, C.-C., Nicoară, G.-R., Ion, M. C., Pócs, T., Kunev, G., Troeva, E. I., van Rooy, J., Wietrzyk-Pełka, P., Węgrzyn, M. H., Wolski, G. J., Bożyk, D., Cienkowska, A., 2021. New national and regional bryophyte records, 65. Journal of Bryology, 43(1), 67-91.
55) Di Nuzzo, L., Vallese, C., Benesperi, R., Giordani, P., Chiarucci, A., Di Cecco, V., Di Martino, L., Di Musciano, M., Gheza, G., Lelli, C., Spitale, D., Nascimbene, J., 2021. Contrasting multitaxon responses to climate change in Mediterranean mountains. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-12.
54) Saber, A. A., Angeli, N., Lange-Bertalot, H., Kociolek, J. P., Spitale, D., Charles, D. F., & Cantonati, M. 2021. Rise of subgen. Rhoicosphenula Lange-Bert. to the genus level, and description of a new Gomphosphenia ss species from Puerto Rico. Cryptogamie, Algologie, 42(13), 217-229.
53) Fontana V., Guariento E., Hilpold A., Niedrist G., Steinwandter M., Spitale D., Nascimbene J., Tappeiner U., Seeber J., 2020. Species richness and beta diversity patterns of multiple taxa along an elevational gradient in pastured grasslands in the European Alps. Scientific Reports, 10: 12515
52) Cantonati M., Segadelli S., Spitale D., Gabrieli J., Gerecke R., Angeli N., De Nardo M.T., Ogata K., Wehr J.D., 2020. Geological and hydrochemical prerequisites of unexpectedly high biodiversity in spring ecosystems at the landscape level. Science of The Total Environment, 740: 140157
51) Taxböck L., Karger D.N., Kessler M., Spitale D., & Cantonati M., 2020. Diatom Species Richness in Swiss Springs Increases with Habitat Complexity and Elevation. Water, 12(2), 449.
50) Spitale D., Mair P., Nascimbene J., 2020. Patterns of bryophyte life-forms are predictable across land cover types. Ecological Indicators 109, doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105799
49) Ellis L.T., M. Aleffi, A. Bączkiewicz, K. Buczkowska, B. Bambe, M. Boiko, N. Zagorodniuk, G. Brusa, M. Burghardt, J. A. Calleja, V. Mazimpaka, F. Lara, V. E. Fedosov, N. J. M. Gremmen, T. Homm, V. Hugonnot, E. A. Ignatova, H. Klama, J. Kučera, E. Vicherová, P. Lamkowski, E. D. Lapshina, A. I. Maksimov, T. A. Maksimova, R. Ochyra, V. Plášek, L. Ya. Pleskach, S. Poponessi, R. Venanzoni, I. N. Pospelov, A. D. Potemkin, S. S. Kholod, L. Sáez, Yu. V. Skuchas, D. Spitale, P. Srivastava, I. Omar, A. K. Asthana, S. Ştefănuţ, K. Torzewski, V. M. Virchenko, M. Wierzgoń & G. J. Wolski (2019) New national and regional bryophyte records, 60, Journal of Bryology, 41:3, 285-299.
52) Cantonati M., Segadelli S., Spitale D., Gabrieli J., Gerecke R., Angeli N., De Nardo M.T., Ogata K., Wehr J.D., 2020. Geological and hydrochemical prerequisites of unexpectedly high biodiversity in spring ecosystems at the landscape level. Science of The Total Environment, 740: 140157
51) Taxböck L., Karger D.N., Kessler M., Spitale D., & Cantonati M., 2020. Diatom Species Richness in Swiss Springs Increases with Habitat Complexity and Elevation. Water, 12(2), 449.
50) Spitale D., Mair P., Nascimbene J., 2020. Patterns of bryophyte life-forms are predictable across land cover types. Ecological Indicators 109, doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105799
49) Ellis L.T., M. Aleffi, A. Bączkiewicz, K. Buczkowska, B. Bambe, M. Boiko, N. Zagorodniuk, G. Brusa, M. Burghardt, J. A. Calleja, V. Mazimpaka, F. Lara, V. E. Fedosov, N. J. M. Gremmen, T. Homm, V. Hugonnot, E. A. Ignatova, H. Klama, J. Kučera, E. Vicherová, P. Lamkowski, E. D. Lapshina, A. I. Maksimov, T. A. Maksimova, R. Ochyra, V. Plášek, L. Ya. Pleskach, S. Poponessi, R. Venanzoni, I. N. Pospelov, A. D. Potemkin, S. S. Kholod, L. Sáez, Yu. V. Skuchas, D. Spitale, P. Srivastava, I. Omar, A. K. Asthana, S. Ştefănuţ, K. Torzewski, V. M. Virchenko, M. Wierzgoń & G. J. Wolski (2019) New national and regional bryophyte records, 60, Journal of Bryology, 41:3, 285-299.
48) Ciugulea, I., Burroughs, S., Defrancesco, C., Spitale, D., Charles, D. F., & Lange-Bertalot, H. 2019. Adlafia neoniana (Naviculaceae), a new diatom species from forest streams in Puerto Rico. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 152 (2), 378-384.
47) Ellis L.T., L.A. Amélio, D.F. Peralta, M. Bačkor, E.Z. Baisheva, H. Bednarek-Ochyra, M. Burghardt, I.V. Czernyadjeva, S.S. Kholod, A.D. Potemkin, A. Erdağ, M. Kırmacı, V.E. Fedosov, M. S. Ignatov, D. E. Koltysheva, J. R. Flores, E. Fuertes, M. Goga, S.-L. Guo, W. K. Hofbauer, M. Kurzthaler, H. Kürschner, O. I. Kuznetsova, M. Lebouvier, D. G. Long, Yu. S. Mamontov, K. M. Manjula, C. N. Manju, B. Mufeed, F. Müller, M. C. Nair, M. Nobis, N. Norhazrina, M. Aisyah, G. E. Lee, M. Philippe, D. A. Philippov, V. Plášek, Z. Komínková, R. D. Porley, Yu. A. Rebriev, M. S. Sabovljević, A. M. de Souza, E. B. Valente, D. Spitale, P. Srivastava, V. Sahu, A. K. Asthana, S. Ştefănuţ, G. M. Suárez, A. A. Vilnet, K.-Y. Yao & J.-Ch. Zhao, 2019. New national and regional bryophyte records, 59, Journal of Bryology, 41:2, 177-194
46) Nimis P.L., Martellos S., Spitale D., Nascimbene J., 2018. Exploring patterns of commonness and rarity in lichens: a case study from Italy (Southern Europe). The Lichenologist 50(3): 385–396.
45) Nascimbene J., Nimis P.L., Mair P., Spitale D., 2018. Climate warming effects on epiphytes in spruce forests of the Alps. Herzogia 31(1): 374-384.
44) Nascimbene J. and Spitale D., 2017. Patterns of beta-diversity along elevational gradients inform epiphyte conservation in alpine forests under a climate change scenario. Biological Conservation 216:26-32.
43) Spitale D., 2017. Performance of the STAR_ICMi macroinvertebrate index and implications for classification and biomonitoring of rivers. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 418, 20
42) Spitale D., 2017. Forest and substrate type drive bryophyte distribution in the Alps. Journal of Bryology 39: 128-140.
41) Spitale D., Mair P., 2017. Predicting the distribution of a rare species of moss: the case of Buxbaumia viridis (Bryopsida, Buxbaumiaceae). Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 151(1): 9-19.
40) Spitale D., 2016. The interaction between elevational gradient and substratum reveals how bryophytes respond to the climate. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 844-853
39) Cantonati M., Spitale D., Scalfi A., Guella G., 2016. Exploring the contrasting seasonal strategies of two crenic macroalgae. Fottea 16 (1):133-143
38) Spitale D., 2015. New national and regional bryophyte records, 37. Sciuro-hypnum curtum. Journal of Bryology 37(4): 308-329
37) Spitale D., Angeli N., Lencioni V., Tolotti M., Cantonati M., 2015. Comparison between natural and impacted Alpine lakes six years after hydropower exploitation has ceased. Biologia 70/11: 1-9
36) Lencioni V., Spitale D., 2015. Diversity and distribution of benthic and hyporheic fauna in different stream types on an alpine glacial floodplain. Hydrobiologia 751: 73-87.
35) Rovero F., Menegon M., Fjeldså J., Collett L., Doggart N., Leonard C., Norton G., Owen N., Perkin A., Spitale D., Ahrends A., Burgess N. D., 2014. Targeted vertebrate surveys enhance the faunal importance and improve explanatory models within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya and Tanzania. Diversity and Distributions 20(12): 1438-1449
34) Rovero F., Martin E., Rosa M., Ahumada J.A., Spitale D., 2014. Estimating species richness and modeling habitat preferences of tropical forest mammals from camera trap data. PLoS ONE 9(7): e103300. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103300
33) Nascimbene J., Fontana V., Spitale D., 2014. A multi-taxon approach reveals the effect of management intensity on biodiversity in Alpine larch grasslands. Science of the Total Environment 487: 110-116.
32) Mares J., Cantonati M., Spitale D., Guella G., 2014. The benthic chlorophyte genus Jaoa (Ulvales), a putative China endemic, in Lake Garda, Italy: ecology, taxonomy, and molecular analyses. Freshwater Science 33(2): 593-605.
31) Cantonati M., Guella G., Komárek J., Spitale D., 2014. Depth distribution of epilithic cyanobacteria and pigments in a mountain lake characterized by marked water-level fluctuations. Freshwater Science 33(2):537-547.
30) Cantonati M., Guella G., Spitale D., Angeli N., Borsato A., Lencioni V., Filippi M.L., 2014. The contribution of lake benthic algae to the sediment record in a carbonate mountain lake characterized by marked water-level fluctuations. Freshwater Science 33(2):499-512.
29) Spitale D., Scalfi A. & Cantonati M. 2014. Urbanization effects on the shoreline phytobenthos: a multiscale approach at lake extent. Aquatic Science 76(1): 17-28.
28) Rovero F., Collett L., Ricci S., Martin E. and Spitale D. 2013. Distribution, occupancy and habitat associations of the grey-faced sengi (Rhynchocyon udzungwensis) as revealed by camera traps. Journal of Mammalogy 94(4): 792-800.
27) Spitale D., Scalfi A. & Cantonati M., 2012. Niche partitioning, shape of species response, and diversity in the phytobenthos across the rocky shoreline of a large peri-Alpine lake. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38: 620-627
26) Spitale D., Cantonati M. and Scalfi A., 2012. Fine-scale spatial patterns of mature and immature filaments and bioorganic compounds of the Rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in the supra- and eulittoral zones of a large lake. Journal of Phycology 48: 1530- 1534
25) Spitale D. and Hölzer A., 2012. New national and regional bryophyte records, 22. Sphagnum subfulvum. Journal of Bryology 34(3): 231-246.
24) Horsák M., Hájek M., Spitale D., Hájková P., Dítě D. and Nekola J.C., 2012. The age of island-like habitats impacts habitat specialist species richness. Ecology 93(5): 1106-1114
23) Spitale D., 2012. A comparative study of common and rare species in spring habitats. Ecoscience. 19(1): 80-88.
22) Spitale D., Leira M., Angeli N. & Cantonati M. 2012. Environmental classification of springs of the Italian Alps and its consistency across multiple taxonomic groups. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science 31:563-574.
21) Spitale D., Lencioni V. & Cantonati M. 2012. Relative importance of space and time in determining the biotic structure in the upper part of spring-fed streams. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science 31:586-598.
20) Cantonati M., Rott E., Spitale D., Angeli N. & Komárek J. 2012. Are benthic algae related to spring types? In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science 31:481-498.
19) Cantonati M., Angeli N., Bertuzzi E., Spitale D. & Lange-Bertalot H. 2012. Diatoms in springs of the Alps: spring types, environmental determinants, and substratum. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science 31:499-524.
18) Spitale D. and Nascimbene J., 2012. Spatial structure, rock type, and local environmental conditions drive moss and lichen distribution on calcareous boulders. Ecological Research 27(3): 633-638.
17) Spitale D., Jiménez J.A. and Köckinger H., 2012. The rare moss Didymodon johansenii (R.S.Williams) H.A.Crum in the Italian and Austrian Alps. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 33(2): 141-147.
16) Spitale D. and Cantonati M., 2011. Understanding the natural variability of diatom assemblages in springs of the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park (south-eastern Alps) on a temporal scale. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 179(2): 137-149.
15) Spitale D., Scalfi A., Lange Bertalot H. and Cantonati M., 2011. Using different epilithic-diatom assemblage metrics for an ecological characterization of the shores of Lake Garda. Journal of Limnology 70(2): 197-208.
14) Gerecke R., Cantonati M., Spitale D., Stur E., Wiedenbrug S., 2011. The challenges of long-term ecological research in springs in the northern and southern Alps: indicator groups, habitat diversity, and medium-term change. Journal of Limnology, 70: 168-187.
13) Tomaselli M. Spitale D. and Petraglia A., 2011. Phytosociological and ecological study of the springs in the Trento Province (Eastern Alps, Northern Italy). Journal of Limnology, 70: 23-53.
12) Nascimbene J., Spitale D., Thüs H., and Cantonati M., 2011. Congruencies among photoautotrophic groups in springs of the Italian Alps: Implications for conservation strategies. Journal of Limnology, 70: 3-8.
11) Spitale D. and Petraglia A., 2010. Palustriella falcata (Brid.) Hedenäs (Amblystegiaceae, Bryopsida) with pluristratose lamina: morphological variability of specimens within and among springs of the Italian Alps. Plant Systematic and Evolution, 286: 59-68.
10) Angeli M., Cantonati M., Spitale D., Bertalot HL, 2010. A comparison between diatom assemblages in two groups of carbonate, low-altitude springs with different levels of anthropogenic disturbances. Fottea, 10(1): 115–128.
9) Spitale D., 2010. New national and regional bryophyte records, 22. Sciuro-hypnum tromsoeense. Journal of Bryology 32: 140–149.
8) Spitale D., 2009. Spatial distribution of bryophytes along a moisture gradient: an approach using photosynthetic pigments as indicators of stress. Ecological Research, 24(6): 1279-1286.
7) Spitale D., 2009 Switch between competition and facilitation within a seasonal scale at colony level in bryophytes. Oecologia, 160(3): 471-482.
6) Spitale D., Petraglia A. and Tomaselli M., 2009. Structural equation model detects unexpected differences between bryophyte and vascular plant richness along multiple environmental gradients. Journal of Biogeography 36: 745-755.
5) Cantonati M. and Spitale D., 2009. The role of environmental factors, habitat, and microhabitat in shaping diatom assemblages in springs and streams of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (south-eastern Alps). Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 174(2): 117-133.
4) Spitale D. and Petraglia A., 2008. Springs like islands: implications on richness and species density. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30 (8): 1279-1282.
3) Spitale D., Tardio M. & Cantonati M., 2005. Competition between a planktonic diatom and a dinoflagellate during enclosure experiment in a mountain lake. Phycologia 44 (3): 320-327.
2) Tardio M., Spitale D. and Cantonati M., 2005. Vertical migration of a dinoflagellate in a column-shaped enclosure in Lake Tovel (Adamello-Brenta Natural Park, NE Italy. Verh. Internat. Verain. Limnol. 29:143-146.
1) Cantonati M., Bertuzzi E., Gerecke R., Ortler K. and Spitale D., 2005 - Long-term ecological research in springs of the Italian Alps: six years of standardised sampling. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29:907-911.
Rovero F. & Spitale D., 2016. Presence/absence and species inventory. In Rovero, F. and Zimmerman, F. (Eds). Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research. Exeter: Pelagic Publishing, UK.
Rovero F. & Spitale D., 2016. Species-level occupancy analysis. In Rovero, F. and Zimmerman, F. (Eds). Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research. Exeter: Pelagic Publishing, UK.
Cantonati M., Bertuzzi E. & Spitale D., 2007 (Eds). The spring habitat: biota and sampling methods. Monografie del Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali IV .
Spitale D., 2007. Assessing the ecomorphology of mountain springs: Suggestions from a survey in the South-eastern Alps. In “The spring habitat: biota and sampling methods”. Cantonati M., Bertuzzi E. & Spitale D., 2008 (Eds). Monografie del Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali IV: 31-44.
Spitale D., Bertuzzi E. and Cantonati M., 2007. Introduction and acknowledgements: how to investigate the ecology of spring habitats on the basis of experiences gained from a multidisciplinary project (CRENODAT). In “The spring habitat: biota and sampling methods”. Cantonati M., Bertuzzi E. & Spitale D., 2007 (Eds). Monografie del Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali IV: 19-30.
9*) Spitale D., 2015. The bryophytes of the spruce forests of South Tyrol: species list, distribution and ecology. Gredleriana vol. 1/2015
8*) Spitale D., Mair P., Tratter W., 2015. Nuove segnalazioni di Buxbaumia viridis (Bryopsida, Buxbaumiaceae) in Alto Adige e relazione tra presenza e quantità di necromassa. Gredleriana vol. 1/2015
7*) SpitaleD., 2014. Lo stato di conservazione di alcune torbiere del Trentino occidentale e stima del carbonio accumulato. Dendronatura 35(2): 32-41
6*) Spitale D., 2012. Lo stato di conservazione delle torbiere dell'alta Val Rendena (Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta). Dendronatura 33(2): 49-55
5*) Spitale D., 2012. Le torbiere, ambienti di eccezionale valore naturalistico. Adamello Brenta Parco, 16(2): 32-34.
4*) Spitale D., 2011. Il Progetto "FRAME". Le relazioni tra geodiversità e biodiversità. Adamello Brenta Parco 15(2): 29-31.
3*) Spitale D., Dini F., Guella G., Ghetti F., Tardio M. and Cantonati M., 2006. Il Sottoprogetto 6 (Ecofisiologia del Gs in situ mediante mesocosmi) del Progetto SALTO / BEST: sintesi e conclusioni. Studi Trent. Sci. Nat.., Acta Biologica 81: 439-443.
2*) Spitale D., Cantonati M., Tardio M., 2003. Effetti sui popolamenti fitoplanctonici del Lago di Tovel (Trentino) di arricchimenti con macro- e micronutrienti in strutture confinate. Studi Trent. Sci. Nat.., Acta Biologica 80: 201-207.
1*) Tardio M., Spitale D., Ghetti F., Bagnoli C., Nannicini L., Seritti A., Corradini F. and Cantonati M., 2006. Selezione dei risultati ottenuti in strutture sperimentali posizionate nel Lago di Tovel nel corso del Progetto SALTO- WP6. Studi Trent. Sci. Nat.., Acta Biologica 81: 397-411.
46) Nimis P.L., Martellos S., Spitale D., Nascimbene J., 2018. Exploring patterns of commonness and rarity in lichens: a case study from Italy (Southern Europe). The Lichenologist 50(3): 385–396.
45) Nascimbene J., Nimis P.L., Mair P., Spitale D., 2018. Climate warming effects on epiphytes in spruce forests of the Alps. Herzogia 31(1): 374-384.
44) Nascimbene J. and Spitale D., 2017. Patterns of beta-diversity along elevational gradients inform epiphyte conservation in alpine forests under a climate change scenario. Biological Conservation 216:26-32.
43) Spitale D., 2017. Performance of the STAR_ICMi macroinvertebrate index and implications for classification and biomonitoring of rivers. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 418, 20
42) Spitale D., 2017. Forest and substrate type drive bryophyte distribution in the Alps. Journal of Bryology 39: 128-140.
41) Spitale D., Mair P., 2017. Predicting the distribution of a rare species of moss: the case of Buxbaumia viridis (Bryopsida, Buxbaumiaceae). Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 151(1): 9-19.
40) Spitale D., 2016. The interaction between elevational gradient and substratum reveals how bryophytes respond to the climate. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 844-853
39) Cantonati M., Spitale D., Scalfi A., Guella G., 2016. Exploring the contrasting seasonal strategies of two crenic macroalgae. Fottea 16 (1):133-143
38) Spitale D., 2015. New national and regional bryophyte records, 37. Sciuro-hypnum curtum. Journal of Bryology 37(4): 308-329
37) Spitale D., Angeli N., Lencioni V., Tolotti M., Cantonati M., 2015. Comparison between natural and impacted Alpine lakes six years after hydropower exploitation has ceased. Biologia 70/11: 1-9
36) Lencioni V., Spitale D., 2015. Diversity and distribution of benthic and hyporheic fauna in different stream types on an alpine glacial floodplain. Hydrobiologia 751: 73-87.
35) Rovero F., Menegon M., Fjeldså J., Collett L., Doggart N., Leonard C., Norton G., Owen N., Perkin A., Spitale D., Ahrends A., Burgess N. D., 2014. Targeted vertebrate surveys enhance the faunal importance and improve explanatory models within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya and Tanzania. Diversity and Distributions 20(12): 1438-1449
34) Rovero F., Martin E., Rosa M., Ahumada J.A., Spitale D., 2014. Estimating species richness and modeling habitat preferences of tropical forest mammals from camera trap data. PLoS ONE 9(7): e103300. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103300
33) Nascimbene J., Fontana V., Spitale D., 2014. A multi-taxon approach reveals the effect of management intensity on biodiversity in Alpine larch grasslands. Science of the Total Environment 487: 110-116.
32) Mares J., Cantonati M., Spitale D., Guella G., 2014. The benthic chlorophyte genus Jaoa (Ulvales), a putative China endemic, in Lake Garda, Italy: ecology, taxonomy, and molecular analyses. Freshwater Science 33(2): 593-605.
31) Cantonati M., Guella G., Komárek J., Spitale D., 2014. Depth distribution of epilithic cyanobacteria and pigments in a mountain lake characterized by marked water-level fluctuations. Freshwater Science 33(2):537-547.
30) Cantonati M., Guella G., Spitale D., Angeli N., Borsato A., Lencioni V., Filippi M.L., 2014. The contribution of lake benthic algae to the sediment record in a carbonate mountain lake characterized by marked water-level fluctuations. Freshwater Science 33(2):499-512.
29) Spitale D., Scalfi A. & Cantonati M. 2014. Urbanization effects on the shoreline phytobenthos: a multiscale approach at lake extent. Aquatic Science 76(1): 17-28.
28) Rovero F., Collett L., Ricci S., Martin E. and Spitale D. 2013. Distribution, occupancy and habitat associations of the grey-faced sengi (Rhynchocyon udzungwensis) as revealed by camera traps. Journal of Mammalogy 94(4): 792-800.
27) Spitale D., Scalfi A. & Cantonati M., 2012. Niche partitioning, shape of species response, and diversity in the phytobenthos across the rocky shoreline of a large peri-Alpine lake. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38: 620-627
26) Spitale D., Cantonati M. and Scalfi A., 2012. Fine-scale spatial patterns of mature and immature filaments and bioorganic compounds of the Rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in the supra- and eulittoral zones of a large lake. Journal of Phycology 48: 1530- 1534
25) Spitale D. and Hölzer A., 2012. New national and regional bryophyte records, 22. Sphagnum subfulvum. Journal of Bryology 34(3): 231-246.
24) Horsák M., Hájek M., Spitale D., Hájková P., Dítě D. and Nekola J.C., 2012. The age of island-like habitats impacts habitat specialist species richness. Ecology 93(5): 1106-1114
23) Spitale D., 2012. A comparative study of common and rare species in spring habitats. Ecoscience. 19(1): 80-88.
22) Spitale D., Leira M., Angeli N. & Cantonati M. 2012. Environmental classification of springs of the Italian Alps and its consistency across multiple taxonomic groups. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science 31:563-574.
21) Spitale D., Lencioni V. & Cantonati M. 2012. Relative importance of space and time in determining the biotic structure in the upper part of spring-fed streams. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science 31:586-598.
20) Cantonati M., Rott E., Spitale D., Angeli N. & Komárek J. 2012. Are benthic algae related to spring types? In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science 31:481-498.
19) Cantonati M., Angeli N., Bertuzzi E., Spitale D. & Lange-Bertalot H. 2012. Diatoms in springs of the Alps: spring types, environmental determinants, and substratum. In: M. Cantonati, L. Füreder, I. Jüttner & E.J. Cox (Eds.), Ecology of Springs. Freshwater Science 31:499-524.
18) Spitale D. and Nascimbene J., 2012. Spatial structure, rock type, and local environmental conditions drive moss and lichen distribution on calcareous boulders. Ecological Research 27(3): 633-638.
17) Spitale D., Jiménez J.A. and Köckinger H., 2012. The rare moss Didymodon johansenii (R.S.Williams) H.A.Crum in the Italian and Austrian Alps. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 33(2): 141-147.
16) Spitale D. and Cantonati M., 2011. Understanding the natural variability of diatom assemblages in springs of the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park (south-eastern Alps) on a temporal scale. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 179(2): 137-149.
15) Spitale D., Scalfi A., Lange Bertalot H. and Cantonati M., 2011. Using different epilithic-diatom assemblage metrics for an ecological characterization of the shores of Lake Garda. Journal of Limnology 70(2): 197-208.
14) Gerecke R., Cantonati M., Spitale D., Stur E., Wiedenbrug S., 2011. The challenges of long-term ecological research in springs in the northern and southern Alps: indicator groups, habitat diversity, and medium-term change. Journal of Limnology, 70: 168-187.
13) Tomaselli M. Spitale D. and Petraglia A., 2011. Phytosociological and ecological study of the springs in the Trento Province (Eastern Alps, Northern Italy). Journal of Limnology, 70: 23-53.
12) Nascimbene J., Spitale D., Thüs H., and Cantonati M., 2011. Congruencies among photoautotrophic groups in springs of the Italian Alps: Implications for conservation strategies. Journal of Limnology, 70: 3-8.
11) Spitale D. and Petraglia A., 2010. Palustriella falcata (Brid.) Hedenäs (Amblystegiaceae, Bryopsida) with pluristratose lamina: morphological variability of specimens within and among springs of the Italian Alps. Plant Systematic and Evolution, 286: 59-68.
10) Angeli M., Cantonati M., Spitale D., Bertalot HL, 2010. A comparison between diatom assemblages in two groups of carbonate, low-altitude springs with different levels of anthropogenic disturbances. Fottea, 10(1): 115–128.
9) Spitale D., 2010. New national and regional bryophyte records, 22. Sciuro-hypnum tromsoeense. Journal of Bryology 32: 140–149.
8) Spitale D., 2009. Spatial distribution of bryophytes along a moisture gradient: an approach using photosynthetic pigments as indicators of stress. Ecological Research, 24(6): 1279-1286.
7) Spitale D., 2009 Switch between competition and facilitation within a seasonal scale at colony level in bryophytes. Oecologia, 160(3): 471-482.
6) Spitale D., Petraglia A. and Tomaselli M., 2009. Structural equation model detects unexpected differences between bryophyte and vascular plant richness along multiple environmental gradients. Journal of Biogeography 36: 745-755.
5) Cantonati M. and Spitale D., 2009. The role of environmental factors, habitat, and microhabitat in shaping diatom assemblages in springs and streams of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (south-eastern Alps). Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 174(2): 117-133.
4) Spitale D. and Petraglia A., 2008. Springs like islands: implications on richness and species density. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30 (8): 1279-1282.
3) Spitale D., Tardio M. & Cantonati M., 2005. Competition between a planktonic diatom and a dinoflagellate during enclosure experiment in a mountain lake. Phycologia 44 (3): 320-327.
2) Tardio M., Spitale D. and Cantonati M., 2005. Vertical migration of a dinoflagellate in a column-shaped enclosure in Lake Tovel (Adamello-Brenta Natural Park, NE Italy. Verh. Internat. Verain. Limnol. 29:143-146.
1) Cantonati M., Bertuzzi E., Gerecke R., Ortler K. and Spitale D., 2005 - Long-term ecological research in springs of the Italian Alps: six years of standardised sampling. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29:907-911.
Monographic volumes, books or book chapters
Rovero F. & Spitale D., 2016. Species-level occupancy analysis. In Rovero, F. and Zimmerman, F. (Eds). Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research. Exeter: Pelagic Publishing, UK.
Cantonati M., Bertuzzi E. & Spitale D., 2007 (Eds). The spring habitat: biota and sampling methods. Monografie del Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali IV .
Spitale D., 2007. Assessing the ecomorphology of mountain springs: Suggestions from a survey in the South-eastern Alps. In “The spring habitat: biota and sampling methods”. Cantonati M., Bertuzzi E. & Spitale D., 2008 (Eds). Monografie del Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali IV: 31-44.
Spitale D., Bertuzzi E. and Cantonati M., 2007. Introduction and acknowledgements: how to investigate the ecology of spring habitats on the basis of experiences gained from a multidisciplinary project (CRENODAT). In “The spring habitat: biota and sampling methods”. Cantonati M., Bertuzzi E. & Spitale D., 2007 (Eds). Monografie del Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali IV: 19-30.
Other Publications
9*) Spitale D., 2015. The bryophytes of the spruce forests of South Tyrol: species list, distribution and ecology. Gredleriana vol. 1/2015
8*) Spitale D., Mair P., Tratter W., 2015. Nuove segnalazioni di Buxbaumia viridis (Bryopsida, Buxbaumiaceae) in Alto Adige e relazione tra presenza e quantità di necromassa. Gredleriana vol. 1/2015
7*) SpitaleD., 2014. Lo stato di conservazione di alcune torbiere del Trentino occidentale e stima del carbonio accumulato. Dendronatura 35(2): 32-41
6*) Spitale D., 2012. Lo stato di conservazione delle torbiere dell'alta Val Rendena (Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta). Dendronatura 33(2): 49-55
5*) Spitale D., 2012. Le torbiere, ambienti di eccezionale valore naturalistico. Adamello Brenta Parco, 16(2): 32-34.
4*) Spitale D., 2011. Il Progetto "FRAME". Le relazioni tra geodiversità e biodiversità. Adamello Brenta Parco 15(2): 29-31.
3*) Spitale D., Dini F., Guella G., Ghetti F., Tardio M. and Cantonati M., 2006. Il Sottoprogetto 6 (Ecofisiologia del Gs in situ mediante mesocosmi) del Progetto SALTO / BEST: sintesi e conclusioni. Studi Trent. Sci. Nat.., Acta Biologica 81: 439-443.
2*) Spitale D., Cantonati M., Tardio M., 2003. Effetti sui popolamenti fitoplanctonici del Lago di Tovel (Trentino) di arricchimenti con macro- e micronutrienti in strutture confinate. Studi Trent. Sci. Nat.., Acta Biologica 80: 201-207.
1*) Tardio M., Spitale D., Ghetti F., Bagnoli C., Nannicini L., Seritti A., Corradini F. and Cantonati M., 2006. Selezione dei risultati ottenuti in strutture sperimentali posizionate nel Lago di Tovel nel corso del Progetto SALTO- WP6. Studi Trent. Sci. Nat.., Acta Biologica 81: 397-411.